Friday, August 3, 2012

A Tale of Two Pin Cushions

I took this photo a few months ago during one of my BIG Beach Bag workshops.  This image is a perfect metaphor for how I'd like my life to be.. (left cushion) , but isn't right now..(right cushion).  The pin cushion on the left belongs to a student who took the class. She meticulously made a gorgeous bag and carefully put each pin back in her cushion just the way she wanted.  Yes, she is a bit of an "A" but heck, you have to be when you are sewing.  

The pin cushion on the right, well you guessed it, is mine!  My mom gave it to me;  it was hers. It's looked like this for years.  And I've done nothing to make it look better! Sometimes the pins don't even get back to it.  They end up on the floor and just get swept off the floor on which they fall with a bundle of thread and scraps and then straight into the trash. I am so busy right now getting ready for the fall markets, getting kids off to a new school year, getting all my overdue book keeping done....   Sometimes I just don't have the time or gumption to put the pins back in the cushion. And I call myself a sewist.  Ha!